Belgian Canary

The belgian canary is a popular breed known for its singing abilities and unique appearance. They are hardy birds with a cheerful disposition that makes them popular among hobbyists. This species does best on a high-quality seed mixture diet with additional vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. It’s a good idea to offer your bird fresh water daily as well.


A belgian canary is a small breed of domesticated canary bird that has been selected for its small size and melodious singing. These birds can be difficult to breed, so a specialist reproducer is necessary if you are interested in breeding this variety of canary.

It is the most common color of a belgian canary and comes in a wide range of shades from pale blue to orange and cinnamon. The color of the bird can change with the seasons, so it is important to provide your pet with a healthy diet rich in beta-carotene.

This canary is named for the black crescent shapes that resemble the scaly skin of reptiles on its breast and back, an effect known as spangling. The lizard canary also has a circular mat of thicker-than-usual feathers on its head that gives it the appearance of a cap. These feathers tend to become less pronounced with age. The lizard canary is one of several type canaries that are bred for form, shape and size rather than song.

Belgian Canary


Canaries are hardy birds that can thrive in most home environments. Their cage should be large enough to allow the bird to fly around and exercise. The cage should be clean and free of debris. Refill the food and water dishes every day and clean the cage floor weekly.

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A good quality seed mix is recommended for the canary. They can also be fed a variety of leafy vegetables, fruits and berries. Be sure to check with a veterinarian before introducing new foods.

Provide the canary with a perch to rest on and a shallow dish of lukewarm water to bathe in (plastic planter dishes are ideal). Provide the canary with plenty of sunlight during the day, and cover the cage at night to help it sleep. It can be difficult to handle a canary, but patience and training from a young age will usually yield positive results. Canaries are more likely to nip or scratch if stressed, so handling should be done cautiously and gently.

Belgian Canary


Canaries are graniverous birds and require high-quality, toxin-free seed mixtures, pelleted foods and fresh fruits and vegetables. They should also be given daily bunches of fresh, wild herbs. These herbs offer a source of organic protein and amino acids for muscle development.

They can be easily bred in captivity and will reproduce frequently if the proper conditions are met. Females lay three to six eggs that will incubate for 13 or 14 days. Males will tend to the nest and help feed the young after they hatch.

For a healthy, happy bird, be sure to replace the bedding and provide fresh water and grit every day. A Belgian canary should be provided with a cage that offers ample room and height for him to exercise. He should have a variety of perches in different positions, toys and food and water dishes. Supplementing the diet with a fortified food made specifically for canaries may be beneficial since these products contain higher levels of calcium and vitamin D3 and fatty acids needed by this species.

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Belgian Canary


Despite being on the edge of extinction, the Belgian fancy canary is one of the most entertaining birds of all. It is a loud singer and will keep you entertained with its songs from morning until night.

Like other canaries, they can be susceptible to respiratory problems. This includes psittacosis, an infection of the air sacs that can lead to death. The risk of psittacosis is higher in homes with multiple birds, as canaries can carry the bacteria between them and other animals they come into contact with.

Feed your canary a high-quality seed mixture, and also offer fresh vegetables, greens and sprouted seeds to encourage foraging and rummaging. Remove uneaten vegetables after 24 hours, and regularly clean the cage, dishes, perches and toys to prevent contamination. During moulting, your bird will require extra protein and vitamins to help him grow new feathers. These can be added through soft egg based supplements or conditioning foods.