what can cockatoos not eat

Cockatoos require a well-balanced diet with pellets, fruits, vegetables and native flowers. A healthy cockatoo diet should be about 20% seed and the rest of it should be comprised of fruit, vegetables and pellets. Onions contain sulfur compounds which can irritate a bird’s mouth, esophagus and crop lining causing ulcers and rupturing red blood cells resulting in anemia. Garlic should also be avoided as it contains allicin which can be dangerous for cockatoos.


Cockatiels love peanuts, but they should be offered in moderation because of their high fat content and risk of aflatoxin contamination. They should also be unsalted and sugar-free to avoid further nutritional damage.

Unlike other nuts, peanuts have high levels of Vitamin A, folate, thiamine, and niacin. They are also an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber that helps regulate digestive function. Plus, they contain calcium, which supports bone health, and phosphorus, which works with the calcium to support muscle and nerve function.

Peanuts can be served either raw or roasted, but you should never feed your bird any in the shell. The shells may grow mold inside if they get wet. A cockatoo could accidentally ingest the mold and suffer from illness. Roasting the peanuts kills 99% of any potential fungus that could be present in the shell. Also, don’t offer your cockatiel peanut butter, as it contains too much sugar and has too many unhealthy ingredients for parrots.

what can cockatoos not eat


Avocados should never be offered to cockatoos because they contain persin, which is toxic to birds. This chemical can cause heart problems and respiratory issues. It can also cause collapse, lethargy, heavy breathing and even death in some species of birds. The skin, meat, pit, and leaves of the plant contain this toxin. Even cooked foods that contain avocado, such as guacamole, should not be fed to cockatoos.

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Instead, cockatoos should be offered a balanced diet that includes pellets, fresh fruits (excluding avocado), vegetables and table food like corn, pasta, cheese, and rice. They should also have access to clean, fresh water that is free of chlorine and heavy metals. The water should be filtered or purified to ensure that it is safe for birds.

what can cockatoos not eat


Cockatoos are not mammals, which means they cannot digest lactose, the sugar found in milk and cheese. This can lead to stomach pains and other gastrointestinal problems. Cheese can also contain soy, which is not recommended for cockatoos because of its chemical properties.

However, if cheese is fed to cockatoos in very small quantities as a treat, it is not harmful to them. It can even be beneficial, as it can reinforce positive behavior.

The best way to introduce new foods to cockatoos is through pellets. Pellets are high in protein, healthy fats and minerals and can be flavored with vegetables, fruits, cooked eggs or pasta to encourage your bird to eat them.

Fruits and vegetables are a must in every cockatoo’s diet. Try to include as many varieties as possible, and adjust the sizes of the pieces according to your bird’s size. Avoid any foods containing chocolate or caffeine, as they can cause serious health problems in parrots like increased heart rate and hyperactivity.

what can cockatoos not eat


Cockatoos are very sensitive to the foods they eat. They can suffer from serious health problems if they eat some of the things that are not good for them. Some of these include avocados, dairy products, salted food and fruit seeds and pits. They should not also be fed with spices such as garlic and onion. These items can irritate their mouth, esophagus and crop lining. They can also cause their red blood cells to rupture and thus lead to anemia.

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Carrots are rich in vitamin A and a deficiency of this can lead to xerophthalmia, night blindness or difficulty in seeing during low light conditions. They are also an excellent source of antioxidants.

A well-balanced diet for cockatoos should consist of 60% dry foods and 40% fresh fruits and vegetables. You can offer fruits such as apple, banana, grapes and tangerine to your pet. Make sure you remove any seed or pits from these fruits before feeding them to your bird.