
Fiery Shouldered Conure

Fiery shouldered conure (Pyrrhura egregia) is a medium-sized parakeet of tepui highlands. It is endemic to subtropical or tropical moist montane forests in northeast Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. Their plumage is mainly green with bright yellow-orange “shoulder” feathers, crown and lores brownish; ear coverts reddish brown. Feather tips are narrow with dark color giving a scaly appearance. Characteristics Fiery shouldered conures are smart, playful parrots with gentle dispositions. They are a medium-sized parrot that can grow to a length of 26 cm (10 in) and weighs 75 g (2.6 oz). Their plumage is mostly green, with bright orange “shoulder” feathers ... Read more

Are Conures Loud?

Conures scream to call attention from their owners. They can also whistle to communicate with their flocks in the wild. A scream is a sign of extreme fear and is often accompanied by rapid wing flapping. Some owners find their green-cheeked conures to be quieter than others. However, these birds can still vocalize quite a bit and even learn to mimic words. Whistling If a sun conure hears something that makes it excited or nervous, such as another bird flying by outside the window or even bird sounds on TV, it will vocalize. It is an attempt to communicate with ... Read more

High Red Pineapple Green Cheek Conure

Pineapple green cheek conures are intelligent, playful birds that have become popular as pets. They can be very entertaining, but they also require a lot of attention and care. They’re a hybrid of yellow-sided and cinnamon green cheek conures. They have a tan head and lime green back feathers like a yellow-sided conure and a reddish orange color around their lower beak and cere with a halo effect. Size Pineapple Green Cheeks are a good choice for first-time owners who want a bird that is intelligent and playful without being overly large or loud. These birds bond well with their ... Read more

Turquoise Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure

The Turquoise yellow sided green cheek conure can live up to 25 years in captivity. Its actual lifespan is reduced to 10 years if the bird is not taken care of properly. When looking for a new green cheek conure, it is best to shop around. You will want to look for breeders who are well informed and offer good living conditions for their birds. Size Green cheek conures are fairly small birds that can be tamed and make excellent pets. They bond well with humans and are not as loud or destructive as other parrot species. They love to ... Read more

Crimson Bellied Conure Vs Green Cheek Conure

Green cheek conures are quiet birds and often favored by novice bird owners. They also make wonderful companions. They learn quickly and love to play with their owners. They can even learn to speak a few words. These parrots are native to South America, specifically the southern part of the Amazon rainforest encompassing parts of Brazil and Bolivia. They are a member of the Pyrrhura genus. Size The crimson bellied conure is one of the smaller species of pet parrots. Its compact body enables it to climb and perch, so it requires less space in its cage than other parrots ... Read more

What is Violet Conure?

Violet conures are playful and entertaining parrots. They need a lot of out-of-cage time and interaction with their owners. If deprived of this, they can become depressed and engage in self-mutilation. Choose pellet foods with a fresh, pleasant scent and high nutritional content. You can also give them a combination of formulated pellets, low-fat seeds, vegetables, and fruits. Lifespan Conures are small to medium-sized parrots in the family Aratinga that can be found throughout Latin America. They are also popular as pets. Their colors can be a beautiful green, blue or a combination of both. They are also known for ... Read more

The Red Factor Green Cheek Conure

Green cheek conures are very intelligent and quick learners. They love their people and are quiet birds. They have oil-based preening glands and are great for those with allergies. With proper care, they can live 2-3 decades. The key is to choose a good breeder, one that will ensure healthy animals and quality living conditions. Health Pineapple green cheek conures can live for 25 to 30 years in captivity if they are well-cared for. They are susceptible to feather picking, so it is important to provide them with plenty of mental stimulation. They are also prone to respiratory problems like ... Read more