Birds Blog

Cockatoo Screaming Into Cup

Cockatoos are intelligent, affectionate birds that thrive on human interaction. They require a lot of attention and care, but are worth the effort for those who can commit to their needs. However, potential owners should do their research before purchasing cockatoos. They have unique dietary, exercise, and socialization requirements. Goffin’s Cockatoo This large white parrot is endemic to the Banda Sea islands of Yamdena and Larat (Tanimbar) in Indonesia. The Goffin’s cockatoo is intelligent and lovable, and it bonds closely with its owner. However, it can be destructive if not given enough attention or stimulation. A neglected cockatoo can develop ... Read more

Why Do Cockatoos Headbang?

A cockatoo named Snowball became an Internet celebrity when a video of him dancing to the Backstreet Boys went viral. Neurobiologist Aniruddh Patel noticed that the cockatoo moved to the rhythm of the song in a way that seemed spontaneous. Cockatoos can drum with a stick or their crest feathers, and they use the raised crest as a greeting or a signal of aggression. They may also drum as a way of bonding with mates. It’s a form of exercise Cockatoos have a tendency to headbang whenever they hear music that moves them. In some cases, the birds do this ... Read more

Why Do Cockatoos Dance?

A cockatoo’s dancing behaviour can be triggered by a variety of things. It can come from excitement, happiness, or simply because they feel like dancing. The sulphur-crested cockatoo Snowball rose to fame after he bopped his head to the Backstreet Boys song “Everybody.” Now a Tufts study has shown that parrots, like humans, can anticipate and move to music’s beat. Excitement A decade ago, a cockatoo named Snowball shot to Internet fame over a video of him dancing to Backstreet Boys. But he wasn’t just imitating his owner, neurobiologist Aniruddh Patel from Tufts University discovered; the cockatoo was actually able ... Read more

Why Do Cockatoos Like Music?

After a dancing cockatoo gained internet fame, scientists studied his movements frame by frame. They discovered Snowball exhibited 14 different dance moves spontaneously when listening to his favorite music. This is known as entrainment — the alignment of body movement to timed sounds. This is the same reaction humans experience when listening to a beat they like. They’re expressive Cockatoos are expressive birds and they’ll use a variety of actions to communicate. One of the most interesting ways they express themselves is by bobbing their heads to music. This is thought to be a way for them to show excitement ... Read more

What Can I Feed a Cockatoo?

A cockatoo needs a balanced diet of pellets and fresh foods to ensure proper nutrition. These birds can develop vitamin A deficiency, calcium deficiency, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (a buildup of fat and cholesterol in and on artery walls). Some seed brands include mixes specially designed for cockatoos. These provide the essential nutrients and help prevent boredom. Fruits Cockatoos need a mixture of dry and fresh foods. They need a variety of vegetables and fruit to get their nutrients. Try Kaytee’s Bird Greens or Roudybush Bird Delight Avi-cakes to add some extra flavor and color to your cockatoo’s diet. Blueberries ... Read more

What Can Cockatoos Not Eat?

Cockatoos require a well-balanced diet with pellets, fruits, vegetables and native flowers. A healthy cockatoo diet should be about 20% seed and the rest of it should be comprised of fruit, vegetables and pellets. Onions contain sulfur compounds which can irritate a bird’s mouth, esophagus and crop lining causing ulcers and rupturing red blood cells resulting in anemia. Garlic should also be avoided as it contains allicin which can be dangerous for cockatoos. Peanuts Cockatiels love peanuts, but they should be offered in moderation because of their high fat content and risk of aflatoxin contamination. They should also be unsalted ... Read more

Facts About Canaries

The canary is a bird that has become a popular pet due to its brightly colored feathers and melodious songs. These birds are descended from finches that hail from the Canary Islands and Madeira Island. They have been bred for so long that they are now considered their own subspecies, Serinus canaria domesticus. Origin Today, there are tens of millions of canaries kept in households around the world. These sunny yellow songbirds became so popular because of their ease to breed, a large gene pool that allows for a wide range of shapes and colors, and their charming songs. Canaries ... Read more

How to Keep a Happy Canary

A canary makes a lovely pet and its sweet songs are enjoyable to listen to. Canaries are easy to take care of, but it’s important that they be happy and healthy. If a canary is sick, it will not sing. Signs that a canary is sick include it sleeping a lot and being apathetic to its surroundings. Health Canaries enjoy the company of other canaries, but only if the males are caged separately. They’ll chirp and sing their heads off in tandem, and they’re most vocal when the sun is shining. If a canary seems sad, it’s best to consult ... Read more

Belgian Canary

The belgian canary is a popular breed known for its singing abilities and unique appearance. They are hardy birds with a cheerful disposition that makes them popular among hobbyists. This species does best on a high-quality seed mixture diet with additional vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. It’s a good idea to offer your bird fresh water daily as well. Characteristics A belgian canary is a small breed of domesticated canary bird that has been selected for its small size and melodious singing. These birds can be difficult to breed, so a specialist reproducer is necessary if you are ... Read more

What Does Canary Eat?

Canaries require a well-balanced diet that includes a formulated pellet food, a minimal amount of seeds and fresh greens. This combination helps promote healthy molting, strong song and breeding behavior. Fresh, thoroughly washed vegetables such as broccoli, kale, chickweed, watercress and lettuce are good options for canaries. Broccoli is rich in magnesium, iron and vitamin A which aids in improving the immune system of canaries. Vegetables Canaries can enjoy a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and seeds. However, these should make up a small portion of their diet because too much fruit can deprive your bird of other essential nutrients. ... Read more

Canary Breeder

Canaries are easy to keep, but breeding them requires a lot of advance planning, specialized equipment and specific food. It is advisable only to breed them if you are prepared to care for all of the resulting chicks. Watch for breeding behavior, which begins with the male courting the female. When she is ready, she will crouch down and mate with him in short, successive bursts. Breeding There are a number of special supplies needed for breeding canaries. A large cage that has a divider in it is a must, as is a nesting box and some paper or strings ... Read more

How to Train an African Grey Parrot Not to Bite

Biting is an instinctive response for parrots that are scared or stressed. Often, a fear-based bite comes from an unpredictable change in environment or sudden loud noise. Other times, a bird may bite to obtain something that he is not entitled to. For instance, he may learn that biting gets him attention from his owner. Keep Your Hands To Yourself Biting is typically a fear-based behavior. It is important to understand your bird’s body language so you can read when they are fearful and frightened. They may puff up their feathers or fan their tails in an attempt to make ... Read more

How Smart Are African Greys?

African grey parrots have impressive cognitive abilities and a master’s level of skill in mimicry. They have the ability to form trust-based and reciprocal relationships with their owners. Research shows that African greys have a level of intelligence that is on par with that of a six year old child. They can outperform dogs and cats on popular pet intelligence tests! They Can Mimic Human Speech The African grey parrot is the world’s best talker, able to mimic human speech and learn hundreds of words. They can identify objects by name, count and even tell jokes. Their vocalizations are also ... Read more

What Do African Grey Parrots Eat?

In the wild, African greys eat seeds, leaves, insects and bark. They need a variety of pellets, vegetables and fruits in captivity. The best choice is a pellet mix like Classic Blend or Avi-cakes with fresh and freeze-dried vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts. Add a little cooked food to give them calcium (like baked eggs and broccoli), vitamin A and beta-carotene. Vegetables African Greys eat seeds, vegetables and fruits and need a good variety to stay happy and healthy. They also need a well-formulated pellet to provide different proteins. Pellets should be about 75-80% of your bird’s diet. They are ... Read more

What Can African Greys Not Eat?

African grey parrots require a variety of foods in their daily diet. A seed-only diet harms their health, as they lack beta-carotene and calcium. A combination of pellets, quality seeds, fruits, and vegetables is best for them. However, some vegetables can be harmful to them if eaten in large quantities. Avocados Avocados contain a toxin called persin that can be deadly to parrots. It is a glycoalkaloid that causes fluids to build up around a bird’s organs and lead to respiratory problems and heart trouble. Eggplants (called aubergines in the UK) also contain persin, so do not offer them to ... Read more

How Do African Grey Parrots Talk?

The ability of an African Grey Parrot to talk depends on how it was raised. A parrot that was hand-raised by a loving owner is more likely to learn to speak than one who was raised in a pet store or breeding facility. Pepperberg trained Alex to identify objects, colors, and shapes as well as understand more than 100 words. He could even ask questions! How do they learn to talk? Parrots learn by imitating sounds they hear and by repeating words. They may not catch on immediately, so don’t be discouraged if it takes several weeks for them to ... Read more

What You Should Know About the Yellow African Parrot

In captivity these parrots can be taught to vocalize human speech. They are also exceptional mimics. Their intelligence and mimicry abilities make them a target for poachers, which are driving wild populations to extinction. FFI is working to save them by raising awareness and establishing Ometepe as their home. Color Parrots are most often seen in shades of green, but they can be found in a wide variety of other colors too. The color of a parrot’s feathers is determined by how light hits and scatters the melanin pigments that make up the feather structures, explains Science Illustrated. The result ... Read more

Blue Macaw Feathers

Bold blues, scarlet reds, and emerald greens paint the feathers of these intelligent, playful creatures. Their colors help them blend in with the forest and communicate with other macaws. In the wild, these birds breed once a year. The female lays two to four white, rounded eggs that she largely incubates. Size The blue macaw, also known as the Hyacinth Macaw, is one of the largest colored parrots. They are highly intelligent and can mimic human speech. They have a brilliant blue body of feathers with yellow circling around the eyes and bottom part of their beak. They mate for ... Read more

Blue Headed Mini Macaw

Blue headed macaw is one of the most popular birds to keep as a pet. It has stunning colors and personality in a smaller package. The bird is 16 inches long and has a mainly green plumage with a tinge of olive, particularly below. The head and flight feathers are blue, and the upper tail has a maroon base with a narrow green center and blue tips. Size Macaws are among the world’s largest parrot species. A blue-headed macaw (Primolius couloni) can reach a length of 16 inches. It is a member of the macaw family and, like all members ... Read more

How Much Does a Macaw Weight?

Due to habitat loss, predation and indigenous hunting, macaws have an endangered status. Their numbers have decreased, but conservation efforts have been successful in increasing their population. Typically, macaws weigh between 900g and 1.2 kg as adults. They need a varied diet that includes seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Weight A fully grown blue and gold macaw can weigh up to 900 grams. As a result, they need a large cage and specific diet to stay healthy. They also need regular attention out of their cage to get exercise and interaction with their owners. They are incredibly intelligent and can ... Read more

How Big is a Macaw?

Macaws are renowned for their vibrant plumage, large hooked beaks, and loud raucous screaming. While traditional macaws can be too big for many families, smaller varieties known as mini macaws make great pets. Macaws normally weigh two to four pounds, making them fairly hefty birds. The largest species, the hyacinth macaw, can reach lengths of nearly three and a half feet from beak to tail with an impressive wingspan of up to 60 inches. Hyacinth Macaw Hyacinth macaws are among the largest birds in the world, with a wingspan of up to 4 feet. They’re highly intelligent, even-tempered birds that ... Read more

How Long Do Blue Macaws Live?

Blue macaws are fascinating birds that have captured the hearts of many animal lovers. These magnificent creatures can live a long time, especially in captivity. Unfortunately, many pet owners don’t take the proper care of their macaws, which can shorten their lifespan. This includes a balanced diet, enough exercise and socialization, avoiding toxic substances, and regular visits to an avian veterinarian. Lifespan In the wild, blue macaws live up to 35 years. However, they can live up to 50 years in captivity when properly cared for. It is important to know this lifespan for individuals interested in adopting a macaw ... Read more

How Long Do Macaws Live in Captivity?

Macaws are long-lived parrots that can reach 60 years of age in captivity. In the wild, they live to be about 30 years old. As a pet, they are known to bond with their owners and stay together for the rest of their lives. This longevity can be influenced by several factors. Lifespan As large pets, macaws typically have long lifespans. However, this also means that they can suffer from long-term health problems if not cared for properly. In addition to keeping your bird’s cage clean, providing plenty of toys, and visiting your veterinarian regularly, you can also help prolong ... Read more

How Do Cockatiels Get Along With Parakeets?

Cockatiels are fairly quiet birds but will speak if excited or threatened. They can also suffer from night fright episodes, which can lead to thrashing and wing injuries within the cage. They enjoy interaction with their owners and bond easily. They can also learn to mimic words and sounds, making them very expressive birds. Cockatiel Temperament Cockatiels are intelligent, charming and interactive birds that love to play. They are incredibly popular among first-time bird owners as well as more experienced owners because they are easy to care for and make great companions. Male cockatiels are more vocal than females, and ... Read more

Can Cockatiels Live With Parakeets?

Cockatiels can live with parakeets, but you must make sure that the birds have similar temperaments. It is also important to keep in mind that males and hens can become aggressive during the mating season. It can be difficult for cockatiels to accept aggressive budgies, but this can be overcome with careful planning and gradual introduction. In addition, both birds need spacious living environments and separate feeding and care routines. Cockatiel temperament Cockatiels require a lot of space and enrichment in their cages. They also need to be able to flap their wings freely. To ensure this, get a cage ... Read more

Can Budgies and Cockatiels Live Together?

Both budgies and cockatiels live in flocks in the wild, so sharing a habitat may seem natural. However, they can be aggressive towards each other. The larger cockatiel could injure the smaller budgie. Both birds can talk and imitate sounds. Nevertheless, they don’t make ideal cagemates. They can coexist if they are housed in big flight cages with dividers. Size Budgies are small companion birds and can be handled by most people. They can perch on a finger and love to be petted behind their crest feathers or over their ears. They also enjoy flying around their cages and need ... Read more

Cockatiel and Parakeet Care

Cockatiels are affectionate birds that like interacting with their owners. They enjoy petting, although they are not fond of cuddling. However, if they feel uncomfortable being petted for too long, they might nip. Keeping cockatiels and parakeets together is possible, but you must monitor their interactions carefully. They should also be kept in separate cages. They are social birds Cockatiels are social birds that thrive on companionship and interaction. They also need a lot of space and exercise. If they are kept in small cages, they can become aggressive and may even fight or kill each other. These conflicts can ... Read more

Understanding Cockatiel Behavior

Cockatiels tend to be affectionate towards their humans and will chatter, chirp, sing, and hiss when they are excited or happy. They may also bob their heads, whistle, and mimic. Why is my cockatiel yawning and stretching its neck? It’s a sign that your bird is bored and needs more environmental enrichment. Male Cockatiel Behavior Cockatiels display a variety of different behaviors. Knowing what they mean can help you understand your cockatiel better and make sure they’re happy. For instance, if your cockatiel is ruffling its feathers, raising its head, and flapping its wings it may be expressing aggression or ... Read more

Cockatiel bird Lifespan

The lifespan of cockatiels can reach up to 30 years if properly cared for. They can live longer if their diet is well balanced and they are not subject to hereditary diseases. Cockatiels thrive better in captivity than they do in their natural habitats. This is due to their lack of predation and healthier diet plans. Age at maturity During their first three months of life, young cockatiels grow out all the feathers they need to fly. After this process, they are able to forage for food and become more independent from their parents. They are similar to human infants ... Read more

How Big is a Cockatiel?

Cockatiels are a common household pet. They can be healthy, long-lived birds if they receive good care. They should be monitored for growth, and weighed at least once per week to ensure they are growing at the expected rate. A sensitive gram scale is best for this purpose. In addition, cockatiels need a large cage. Size Cockatiels are small birds that pack a lot of energy. They require a good-sized cage and plenty of room to play. They also need regular new toys to keep them engaged. They can become bored easily and may start acting out or biting. When ... Read more

How to Bond With Your Parakeet?

A parakeet will be much more comfortable with you if you spend time with him or her outside of their cage. They will also be able to follow simple commands and interact with their environment in a more natural way. A tamed parakeet can even be trained to do tricks! It just takes a bit of patience and the right approach. Spend Time With Your Parakeet A parakeet will need at least an hour of your time a day to bond with you. Ideally, this time should be spent with only your budgie and no other distractions like TV or ... Read more

How to Get Your Parakeet to Let You Hold It

Once your parakeet is comfortable with being handled and can eat from your hand, it’s time to take them out of their habitat. This is an enriching activity for your pet, and it will help you bond with them. When introducing yourself to your new baby bird, be sure to speak softly and move slowly. Loud noises and sudden movements will scare them. Start by placing your hand in the cage. When your bird is comfortable with you opening its cage and speaking softly to it, you can begin to introduce your hand. It is best to do this without ... Read more

How Many Parakeets Can Be in One Cage?

Parakeets (also called budgies) need a spacious cage that provides room to fly and exercise their wings. They also need a few perches and toys to play with. If you’re thinking of bringing in a new bird, it’s best to quarantine him for a few days to let him get used to his new home. This will help prevent him from being bullied by the established pair. Cage Size The size of your bird’s cage is one of the most important decisions you will make. You want a cage that is large enough for your parakeet to fly around in, ... Read more

Do Parakeets Like to Be Held?

Parakeets can become very affectionate pets if they are socialized around humans from birth. This early socialization teaches them that humans are safe and encourages them to consider their human family as part of their flock. Spend time each day sitting by your parakeet’s cage and talking to it. If it closes its eyes while you talk, that is a sign that it feels safe and happy with you. They are social birds Parakeets are naturally social birds, and enjoy spending time with their human companions. They bond through play, chattering, and grooming. They also form close relationships with their ... Read more

How to Catch a Parakeet Outside?

A tamed parakeet that escapes from its cage is usually easy to recapture by tempting it to your finger with millet and putting it back in the cage. However, if the bird is untamed there are a few things you should keep in mind. Start by observing your bird. Try to notice things like its direction and level of flight. Identifying the Bird Attempting to recapture a parakeet that has escaped its cage is a challenging task. However, it is not impossible and following a few simple steps can improve your chances of successfully catching the bird. Start your search ... Read more

What to Do If You Find a Parakeet Outside Your Home?

Many birds are tamed enough that talking to them can help lure them over. You might ask a friend or neighbor with a similar bird to bring it over (in a safe and secure cage) while you watch from the window. Try calling its name or rattling a food container. If it doesn’t return right away, you should call a local wildlife rehabilitator. Call Your Neighbors It’s always a bad idea to release a pet bird into the wild, and it’s especially bad when you don’t know who the owner is. It can take months for an escaped parakeet to ... Read more

How to Train Parakeets to Do Tricks?

A variety of fun tricks can be taught to parakeets. This training helps to fulfill their social needs and it also makes them more bonded with their owners. Start by teaching your parakeet to step up onto a finger or perch while saying the command of your choice (‘step up!’). Use millet as the reward. Basic Training Parakeets respond well to positive reinforcement, so don’t punish them if they make a mistake. This will only discourage them and they might start to see their cage as a negative thing. Instead, focus on the good behaviors they do perform and reward ... Read more

Fiery Shouldered Conure

Fiery shouldered conure (Pyrrhura egregia) is a medium-sized parakeet of tepui highlands. It is endemic to subtropical or tropical moist montane forests in northeast Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. Their plumage is mainly green with bright yellow-orange “shoulder” feathers, crown and lores brownish; ear coverts reddish brown. Feather tips are narrow with dark color giving a scaly appearance. Characteristics Fiery shouldered conures are smart, playful parrots with gentle dispositions. They are a medium-sized parrot that can grow to a length of 26 cm (10 in) and weighs 75 g (2.6 oz). Their plumage is mostly green, with bright orange “shoulder” feathers ... Read more

Are Conures Loud?

Conures scream to call attention from their owners. They can also whistle to communicate with their flocks in the wild. A scream is a sign of extreme fear and is often accompanied by rapid wing flapping. Some owners find their green-cheeked conures to be quieter than others. However, these birds can still vocalize quite a bit and even learn to mimic words. Whistling If a sun conure hears something that makes it excited or nervous, such as another bird flying by outside the window or even bird sounds on TV, it will vocalize. It is an attempt to communicate with ... Read more

High Red Pineapple Green Cheek Conure

Pineapple green cheek conures are intelligent, playful birds that have become popular as pets. They can be very entertaining, but they also require a lot of attention and care. They’re a hybrid of yellow-sided and cinnamon green cheek conures. They have a tan head and lime green back feathers like a yellow-sided conure and a reddish orange color around their lower beak and cere with a halo effect. Size Pineapple Green Cheeks are a good choice for first-time owners who want a bird that is intelligent and playful without being overly large or loud. These birds bond well with their ... Read more

Turquoise Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure

The Turquoise yellow sided green cheek conure can live up to 25 years in captivity. Its actual lifespan is reduced to 10 years if the bird is not taken care of properly. When looking for a new green cheek conure, it is best to shop around. You will want to look for breeders who are well informed and offer good living conditions for their birds. Size Green cheek conures are fairly small birds that can be tamed and make excellent pets. They bond well with humans and are not as loud or destructive as other parrot species. They love to ... Read more

Crimson Bellied Conure Vs Green Cheek Conure

Green cheek conures are quiet birds and often favored by novice bird owners. They also make wonderful companions. They learn quickly and love to play with their owners. They can even learn to speak a few words. These parrots are native to South America, specifically the southern part of the Amazon rainforest encompassing parts of Brazil and Bolivia. They are a member of the Pyrrhura genus. Size The crimson bellied conure is one of the smaller species of pet parrots. Its compact body enables it to climb and perch, so it requires less space in its cage than other parrots ... Read more

What is Violet Conure?

Violet conures are playful and entertaining parrots. They need a lot of out-of-cage time and interaction with their owners. If deprived of this, they can become depressed and engage in self-mutilation. Choose pellet foods with a fresh, pleasant scent and high nutritional content. You can also give them a combination of formulated pellets, low-fat seeds, vegetables, and fruits. Lifespan Conures are small to medium-sized parrots in the family Aratinga that can be found throughout Latin America. They are also popular as pets. Their colors can be a beautiful green, blue or a combination of both. They are also known for ... Read more

The Red Factor Green Cheek Conure

Green cheek conures are very intelligent and quick learners. They love their people and are quiet birds. They have oil-based preening glands and are great for those with allergies. With proper care, they can live 2-3 decades. The key is to choose a good breeder, one that will ensure healthy animals and quality living conditions. Health Pineapple green cheek conures can live for 25 to 30 years in captivity if they are well-cared for. They are susceptible to feather picking, so it is important to provide them with plenty of mental stimulation. They are also prone to respiratory problems like ... Read more

How to Care For a Zebra Finch

Zebra finches are easy to care for and make wonderful pets. They are friendly by nature and adapt well to living close to humans. They can also be trained easily, if given the right training by the owner. These birds are a monogamous species that pair for life. Males have a distinctive chest barring and orange cheeks, unlike the females. Flight cage The flight cage is one of the most important tools for keeping your pet finch healthy and happy. Finches should be allowed out of their cages daily to fly around and get some exercise. This will also help ... Read more

Common Finchs in Kansas

Often seen in groups House Finches are year-round residents. They thrive in cities, towns and farmland with lawns, weedy areas and trees but avoid dense forests. They are common visitors to bird feeders and especially love nyjer and black oil sunflower seeds. Listen for their roller coaster-like flight pattern and beautiful series of warbles and chirps. They nest later than most other birds and build cup-like nests in twigs, brush or natural cavities. American Goldfinch Goldfinches are most easily spotted at bird feeders in winter. They are a cheerful addition to any backyard, as their colors and songs bring cheer ... Read more

Yellow Gouldian Finch Genetics

Genetics can be quite complicated especially when dealing with a bird as diverse as the yellow gouldian finch. The permutations and explanations could fill a book. Researchers have found that head color morphs of Gouldian finches differ in their exploratory and risk-taking behavior in the wild. They also follow different species of Estrildid finches when visiting waterholes. The Gouldian Finch The Gouldian Finch is a very beautiful, endemic, primarily seed-eating finch found in Australia. The Gouldian Finch is a popular bird in aviculture due to its vibrant color and beautiful song. It inhabits savannas and open woodlands of northern Australia. ... Read more

English Zebra Finch

Zebra finches are monogamous by nature and mate for life. They breed throughout the year and nest in thorny shrubs and trees, as well as in ledges of buildings. The birds have modest dietary needs and do fine with commercial finch mixes, drinking water, a cuttlebone and some grit. They also enjoy a variety of seeds, fruits and vegetables. Size A small bird, a male zebra finch typically weighs less than an ounce. These little birds get their name from the zebra-like stripes that mark their cheeks and chest. Males are also able to be distinguished by their mustache markings, ... Read more

Gouldian Finch Black Head

In captivity, Gouldian finches with the Black mutation rarely survive outdoors. They also have a poorer survival rate in indoor aviaries. Future studies should explore whether head color morphs differ in behavior in the wild. For example, dietary generalists are expected to embrace new foods rapidly in response to environmental change, while dietary specialists are averse to these changes. Origin Gouldian finches were first described by the British ornithological artist John Gould in 1844. He assigned different species names to the three morphs, and there was considerable debate for half a century on whether these constituted separate species or subspecies. ... Read more

Zebra Finch black cheek (Zebra Finch Mutations)

Zebra finches are a popular species that are enjoyed by aviculturists for their unique appearance and social behavior. However, many people do not realize that there are a number of mutations available for this species. One such mutation is the black cheek zebra finch. This recessive mutation allows the birds to have a black face marking that starts behind their beak and ends at their eyes. Black cheeks The black cheek serves several functions for zebra finches in the wild. The most important is the visual signal it sends to potential mates during breeding season. Males with more substantial black ... Read more

Can Lovebirds Live Alone?

Lovebirds need interaction with their humans and should not be left alone for long periods of time. They also need regular visits to the veterinarian, a healthy diet, exercise, and a draft-free environment. If left alone for too long, a lovebird can develop stress and anxiety. This can lead to feather-plucking and screaming. They are social birds Lovebirds are a species of bird that are naturally monogamous, meaning they pair up for life. They will often groom each other, and even feed each other if they are hungry. These birds have broad, powerful bills that are perfect for cracking seeds ... Read more

African Blue Parrot

Unlike some parrots, african blue parrots are willing to help a fellow bird in need without any reward for themselves. Such “instrumental helping” has only been seen outside of humans in bonobos and orangutans, says Desiree Brucks at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. The researchers trained eight African grey parrots and six blue-headed macaws to pass a metal token through a hole in their compartment to another bird of the same species, then exchange it for a walnut. Habitat While many parrots are green in color, there are also some with gorgeous blue feathers. These birds range from powdery light ... Read more

Red Factor African Grey

African greys have been called the genius of the bird world for their exceptional ability to talk. They need a high quality diet of seeds, nuts, vegetables, commercial pellets and fresh fruits. Their intelligence can make them demanding pets that require plenty of interaction and mental stimulation to avoid stress-related problems such as nipping or feather plucking. Diet In the wild African Greys forage on the ground and eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and berries. They are known to forage for acorns, and are often seen picking at maize crops in western Africa! All birds need a ... Read more

Can Canaries and Finches Live Together in a Cage?

Canaries and finches are two of the most popular small bird species. They often interact with each other in the wild, but can they live together in a cage? Canaries are loners that enjoy living alone. They can coexist with other similarly sized birds when provided with plenty of room for flying and their own perch. Size Canaries and finches differ in size, activity level, and diet. Canaries tend to be more active, and are a better choice for people looking for a high-energy pet. They also tend to have a more varied diet than finches, including a variety of ... Read more

What Color is a Canary?

Canaries come in a variety of colors and patterns. The most common are the yellow, white, red and orange canaries. Canary colors result from pigmentation. A canary’s ground color (the basic color of its feathers) is augmented by feeding it certain foods such as cayenne pepper. In addition, canaries readily breed with other finches such as the goldfinch and red siskin to produce unique mule canaries. Yellow Yellow is a bright color that can be found in the feathers of a canary. This bird is one of the most popular pet birds because of their low requirements for cages, food ... Read more

African Grey Color

Due to their intelligence (anecdotes indicate they have the intellectual capacity of a 5-year-old child), sociability and amazing mimicry, African greys are highly sought after companion birds. Sadly, the wild population is under threat by illegal trapping and trade. These large parrots are found in forests across west Africa and into Cameroon. They are also gregarious and can be seen roosting in large colonies. Characteristics African Grey parrots are renowned for their intelligence, sociability and ability to imitate human speech. They are able to recognize colors, shapes and numbers. In addition, they can understand and follow simple commands. Parrots begin ... Read more

How Can African Greys See Color?

African grey parrots are very intelligent creatures. They can speak multiple languages, tell jokes, and even build logical sentences. Their innate high intelligence can make them demanding pets. They require lots of mental stimulation or they might resort to unpleasant behaviors like feather picking and gnawing. Congo African greys are darker than Timneh African greys. They also have white scalloping on their head feathers. They have a special eye. African greys have unique eyes that can reveal a lot about their emotional state. Their irises can move rapidly, enlarging and contracting as their body and environment change. This eye communication, ... Read more

Where Are African Greys From?

The African Grey is the smartest parrot in the world. They can build logical sentences, talk back, and even tell jokes. They can also identify objects, numbers, and colors. They’re popular in the pet trade, which is why their population has been declining. Despite decades of efforts to regulate capture and export, overexploitation remains the biggest threat. Timneh African Grey African greys are considered one of the smartest birds around and also develop strong bonds with their human owners. The fact that they’re extremely popular in the pet trade is taking its toll on wild populations, however. In some cases, ... Read more

African Grey Parrot Intelligence

African gray parrots are one of the world’s smartest birds. They can amass vocabularies of hundreds of words and use them in context, demonstrating advanced understanding. A famous talking parrot named Alex, purchased from a Chicago pet store in 1977, pioneered new avenues of research on bird cognition before his sudden death in 2007 at the age of 31. He was able to categorize and understand a range of concepts including same and different, big and small and even basic arithmetic (up to counting object sets). Cognitive Abilities African grey parrots are known for their advanced problem-solving abilities. They can ... Read more

African Grey Parrot Size

The African grey is one of the world’s most intelligent animals. A parrot named Alex could categorize, ask for, and identify dozens of objects, and clearly understood what people were saying to him. They have a long lifespan in captivity and can outlive their human owners. The Congo and Timneh are the two subspecies commonly seen in the pet trade. Size African grey parrots require a great deal of attention, and owners who don’t have enough time to spend with them may find their birds acting out. This can include anything from nail-grinding to feather picking, and the reason behind ... Read more

Caring For an African Grey Baby

Baby African Greys need a lot of attention and care. They require a high-quality diet and plenty of sunlight. They also need a variety of toys to keep them interested and entertained. Make sure to clean their cage regularly and ensure they get enough vitamin D. While many parrots can talk, the African grey is famous for its cognitive communication skills and vast vocabulary. Pepperberg used positive behavioral reinforcement to train Alex to identify objects, colors, and shapes. They are a social bird African greys are very intelligent parrots and need a lot of interaction with their owners. They also ... Read more

How Do Macaws Sleep?

Macaws are a species of bird that is diurnal and does not sleep at night. They wake up early and live in family groups or large flocks. They use loud calls and squawks to communicate with other birds in their flock. They also enjoy exploring new objects and chewing on them. These activities help them stay alert to any potential predators. They scream In the wild, macaws travel long distances to find a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, and insects for their food. They may also use their voices to call for their flock or when they are excited or ... Read more

How Smart Are Macaws?

Macaws are intelligent birds. Their IQ is comparable to that of a human toddler, and they can solve problems on their own. For example, they can find seeds hidden in pebbles or hold a nut and break it into pieces. They also have the ability to select their favorite food. They can mimic human speech In the wild, macaws gather in flocks of 10 to 30 birds. They communicate with each other using a variety of sounds, including squawks and shrieks. Their vocalizations help them mark their territory, identify each other, and advise one another. Some of them even sing ... Read more

Macaw Colors

Macaws are the giant parrots of the rainforest, a majestic and endangered species. They can live for up to 60 years, and they often outlive their owners! In the wild, macaws form lifelong monogamous pair bonds. They fly close together throughout the forest canopy, sharing food, grooming, and raising young. Red macaw The scarlet macaw is endemic to Central and South America. It lives in a wide range of rainforest canopy habitats, including tree crowns. It is a large bird with a powerful, curved beak. Its beak can generate a bite force of over 150 psi. These birds are monogamous ... Read more

What is a Macaw Diet?

A macaw’s diet should consist of high-quality pellets. The other five percent should include fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals. However, certain foods like avocado should be avoided as they can cause digestive problems. Seeds and nuts are also important. Generally, macaws enjoy seeds with a high fatty content. For example, sunflower seeds and peanuts are popular. Vegetables Macaws are omnivores in the wild and in captivity, they need a balanced diet of vegetables and fruits. They also like to chew on seeds and nuts. Seeds are comfortable for parrots to chew and high in protein. You can feed them millet, ... Read more

What Do Macaws Eat?

Macaws eat a wide variety of food in the wild and as pets. This includes vegetables, fruits and nuts. In the wild, they also eat a lot of flowers and seeds. They prefer seeds that are high in fat, like peanuts and sunflower seeds. They also eat a bit of animal protein, such as eggs and cooked meat. They are able to crack the shells of their favorite nuts with their large beaks. Vegetables In the wild, macaws seek out a variety of foods to feed themselves and their young. They eat soft leaves, fresh grass, nuts, seeds, fruits, berries, ... Read more

What is a Macaw?

Macaws are stunningly beautiful, with brilliant plumage and colors that blend well in the Amazon jungle’s green canopies. They have long, graceful tails and powerful beaks that crack nuts with ease. Most species of macaw are endemic to Central and South America, but their popularity in the pet trade means many of them are becoming endangered. Deforestation and land clearing also threaten their numbers. They’re loud Macaws are well-known for their ability to mimic speech and other noises. In captivity, they can learn specific words to repeat and even use accents. They have a highly developed vocal learning centre. In ... Read more

How to Train Lovebirds?

Lovebirds can learn to imitate phrases and tunes, but the process will take time and patience. It will also help if the bird is hand-raised and tame. To train this trick, you will need to be able to target your lovebird with either your finger or a stick and to say “turnaround”. Praise and treats will be provided when the bird completes the spin correctly. Get Your Bird to Trust You It will take some time for your bird to get comfortable with you and your presence. You will need to spend time each day talking softly and slowly getting ... Read more

How to Tame a Lovebird?

Lovebirds are not easy to tame. They are a pair-bonded bird and will frighten easily when a hand comes into their cage during a state of anxiety. The key is to work slowly and patiently. Short, regular taming sessions beat long sporadic ones. Keep some treats handy and stay close to the cage to let the bird know you are not a threat. Choose the Right Bird Whether you’re considering a small bird like a canary or a larger one, you must consider your ability to handle and care for that species. Choosing a bird too large or difficult to ... Read more

Can Lovebirds Talk?

Lovebirds are very social birds and love to interact with their owners. However, they may not talk if their owner hasn’t had much experience with training them to do so. Nevertheless, lovebirds can learn to speak with patience and proper training. They usually start by learning their name and short phrases. How to teach them to talk The best time to start training lovebirds to talk is when they are young. They will be more receptive to learning during this period as their brain is still adapting to the environment around them. Start by slowly and clearly saying the word ... Read more

How Long Does It Take For Lovebird Eggs to Hatch?

Lovebirds tend to lay a lot of eggs. It’s very important to keep an eye on them and notice when they are ready to hatch. It takes around 40 hours for a chick to emerge from its egg. This is an average, but it can vary based on several factors. Incubation Period Lovebird chicks will hatch after 21-23 days of incubation. Just before they hatch, the chicks will make a small crack or hole called a pip hole that will allow them to start breathing oxygen. It is important to not disturb the chicks when they do this. If you ... Read more

Can Lovebirds Eat Grapes?

Grapes are a healthy snack for lovebirds but they should be served in moderation. Always choose store-bought seedless grapes that are thoroughly washed from chemicals, dirt, and pesticides. They contain a moderate amount of fructose which is okay for a treat but excessive consumption will lead to weight gain and health issues. Lovebirds need a well-balanced diet full of nutrients and minerals. Vitamin C The vitamin C in grapes helps your lovebird to heal. It also boosts his immune system and protects him from infection and disease. You can feed your lovebird a small amount of grapes once or twice ... Read more

Why lovebirds die suddenly? Causes of Suspicious Death in Lovebirds

Lovebirds make delightful pets and add a bright and cheerful touch to any home. But, like other pet birds, they can be prone to diseases and sudden death. Providing a safe and clean living environment, a healthy diet, and regular veterinary check-ups can help prevent illness and other health problems. However, many pet owners wonder why their beloved lovebirds die suddenly. Respiratory Distress Love birds are prone to several diseases and infections that can drastically cut short their lifespans. Among the most common causes of sudden death in lovebirds are respiratory distress, malnutrition, and diseases such as psittacine beak and ... Read more

Can Cockatiels Eat Grapes?

Cockatiels require a balance of high-quality seeds and pellets and fresh fruit. However, they must not eat too much fruit because it can cause health problems for them. Grapes are a great source of natural sugar, but in excessive quantities it can cause digestive problems and lead to loose stool. Grapes are a good source of vitamin C Cockatiels need a healthy dose of vitamin C to help them digest their food and keep their immune system functioning. They can get this from a variety of foods, including grapes. However, you should avoid commercially-sprayed grapes because they may contain dangerous ... Read more

Can Budgies Eat Cockatiel Food?

Cockatiels and budgies are both mid-sized pet birds. They both need a healthy balance of seeds, pellets, fruits, and vegetables. However, cockatiels need more calories than budgies. Therefore, seed mixes marketed for cockatiels contain more sunflower seeds and millet than those marketed for budgies. Nevertheless, budgies can safely consume cockatiel food in small amounts. This diet meets their dietary requirements. What is a cockatiel’s diet? As a member of the parrot family, cockatiels need a balanced diet that includes seeds and fresh vegetables. A high-quality commercial seed mix should make up 75% of their diet and should include millet, canary ... Read more

4 Fun Facts About Cockatiels

Cockatiels are fun, playful birds that make wonderful companions. They are also talented mimickers and singers. However, they are not known for their ability to imitate speech like parrots. Cockatiels are fond of leafy vegetables such as lettuce. They also enjoy carrots and cucumbers. However, you should avoid giving them peanuts because they often contain aspergillus mold spores that can make the bird sick. They can talk Unlike humans, cockatiels don’t have vocal cords that allow them to speak. However, they can whistle and imitate sounds around them. They also use their vocalizations to mark their territory, attract mates, and ... Read more

Cockatiel Sick Signs

Cockatiels are good at hiding their illnesses, so it is important to pay attention to what they are doing and understand normal behavior. This will help you catch illness early and get your bird to an avian vet for treatment. Watch out for wet feathers around the face; this could indicate nasal discharge or even vomiting. Also, cockatiels can regurgitate food which can look like they are throwing up but may actually be just courtship-related regurgitation. Loss of appetite Cockatiels that are ill will start to lose weight. This is usually easy to tell for experienced owners, but new cockatiel ... Read more

Do Cockatiels Need a Friend?

Cockatiels thrive on companionship, either with other birds or humans. They also need mental stimulation. When cockatiels are alone, they may become bored and exhibit behaviors such as feather plucking. While cockatiels can live alone, they generally prefer to have a friend of their own kind. They can even enjoy company of other birds of the same sex. It is best to introduce them slowly. It is a social bird Cockatiels are social birds that thrive with companionship. This can come from another bird or humans, and it is important that they have a friend to play with. They love ... Read more

How Do Parakeets Sleep?

Sleep is an important part of your parakeet’s daily life. A good night’s rest will improve their mood, behavior and health. Like us, budgies need a quiet and dark place to tuck in for the night. Providing the right environment will make it easier for them to fall asleep at night. Darkness Parakeets like to sleep in darkness because it mimics their natural habitat. They are native to tropical areas that have 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of dark. In the wild, this cycle helps them stay alert and awake during the daytime when predators may be lurking. ... Read more

How to Make Parakeets Happy?

There is nothing more heartwarming than watching a parakeet happily eat her favorite fruits and veggies. And hearing her contentedly grind her beak as she nods off to sleep is even better. A happy parakeet also needs a good quality cage with plenty of room to fly, play and exercise. Spending time training her to respond to your voice and use her name is a great way to build trust and a strong bond with her. Feeding Parakeets are intelligent and social birds that need plenty of interaction with their owners. They also need food in order to thrive. Providing ... Read more

How to Get a Parakeet to Like You?

Hand-training your parakeet will help you get to know them better and gain their trust. Start by simply putting your hand in their cage to feed and water them, and talk to them softly. Once your budgie is comfortable with you in and out of their cage, try training them to step up on your finger for millet spray treats. It may take a while for them to learn this. Spend Time With Them Parakeets, also known as budgies, are fun to play with. They are intelligent birds that are very easy to train. The best way to bond with ... Read more

How to Get Your Parakeet to Trust You?

Parakeets are great pets that can be trained to do all sorts of things. However, they need to trust you first. This can take time and patience, but it is worth it in the end. Start by talking softly to your bird while you are feeding him and changing his water. This will get him used to your voice and make him more comfortable around you. 1. Talk to Your Parakeet You need to talk to your parakeet in a gentle voice, as loud voices can frighten them. It also helps to use treats to entice them to come out ... Read more

Parakeet Care Guide

Budgies, or parakeets, are cheerful little birds that make great pets for anyone willing to take the time to care for them. They are relatively easy to tame, and with the right care can live for many years. Parakeets are easy to feed as long as they have access to high-quality bird pellets and seeds, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. This parakeet care guide will provide everything you need to know to keep your budgies healthy and happy. Feeding A parakeet’s diet is mainly seeds and fruit, which they consume both in their natural habitats and as pets. While ... Read more

How to Tame a Parakeet?

Budgerigars are one of the most popular pet birds, but they’re not as easy to tame as some people think. To train them and keep them safe, it’s important to start by giving them a spacious cage. Recall training is a good way to teach your parakeet to come when called, but biting should be avoided at all costs. Birds bite when they feel threatened, scared or cornered. Start With a Good Cage Training a parakeet can be fun and rewarding. However, it takes time and patience to train your pet bird to trust you and learn new tricks. It ... Read more

Fun Facts About Cockatoos

Cockatoos are popular pets due to their intelligence and long lifespan. They are often playful and entertaining to watch, but they can also be frustrating at times. They can mimic human speech, and some species even repeat entire sentences! Read on to learn about more fun facts about cockatoos. They Can Speak Cockatoos can learn to speak if their humans make an effort to train them. It can be difficult for them to get the hang of it, however, so it’s important to be patient and keep practicing with your bird. It’s also good to try and associate certain words ... Read more

The Difference Between Cockatoo and Cockatiel

Cockatoos are more social parrots and require a lot of attention from their owners. They also enjoy time out of their cages. They can learn to speak and enjoy playing games with their caretakers. In the wild, cockatoos eat seeds, berries, nuts, roots and leafy vegetables. They also love to chew on wood pieces. Size One of the first differences that people will notice between cockatoos and cockatiels is their size. While cockatoos can grow up to a maximum of 1-2 feet, cockatiels are a lot smaller at only about 30 to 60 cm. Cockatiels are often referred to as ... Read more

What Does a Cockatoo Look Like?

While they are not known to be as talkative as some parrots, many can be taught words and phrases. A cockatoo’s crest feathers convey important information about its mood; down means relaxed or docile, erect indicates excitement or agitation. Their powerful beaks can crack walnuts, maim branches and bite human fingers. They need a well-balanced diet free of seeds and other unhealthy foods. White Cockatoo White cockatoos are a medium to large-sized bird with big curved beaks, small eyes and an elaborate head crest that can be raised or lowered. The crest is used to communicate messages about the bird’s ... Read more

Umbrella Cockatoo Lifespan

Umbrella cockatoos are intelligent birds that require mental stimulation on a daily basis. They are also prone to picking at their feathers and getting depressed, so it’s important that they get plenty of attention. In the wild, umbrella cockatoos live in flocks with up to 15 birds. They are also social animals, so they love to play and interact with their owners. Age at maturity Umbrella cockatoos (Cacatua alba) can begin breeding at about three years of age. Young birds should be well socialized and exposed to new situations such as travel, toys and visits to the veterinarian. Hand-reared youngsters ... Read more

The Moluccan Cockatoo Lifespan

Moluccan cockatoos, also known as salmon-crested cockatoos, can live up to 70 years in captivity. Their long lifespan makes them one of the most demanding pet parrots to keep. If you are thinking of adopting one, discuss the responsibilities with your family to ensure that they will be able to provide enough care for the bird. Age at maturity The lifespan of a moluccan cockatoo can reach into the twenties or even beyond. Those who live in the wild tend to live longer because they learn to fend for themselves and avoid foods that could be harmful. These animals also ... Read more

What Is a Cockatoo?

With their curved beaks, bright colors, and perky crests, cockatoos are one of the most popular pets. They often live in large flocks and use harsh sounds to communicate with one another through dense foliage. They also have a unique digital arrangement on their feet that allows them to grip branches and food with precision. They’re a member of the parrot family Cockatoos are among the most popular birds kept as pets. They are playful, affectionate and bonded to their owners. However, they also have a tendency to destroy property and become neurotic if they are not given enough attention. ... Read more

What Does a Canary Symbolize?

Individuals with the Canary totem are joyful and lively folks. They love to cheer others up and are always one step ahead of helping those who need help. They are also very compassionate and often make sacrifices for their family and friends. When you see a canary singing in your dream, it symbolizes clear and successful communication. Envisioning this bird flying implies that you should liberate yourself from the negative emotions and thoughts that bind you. Origin Canaries have a cheerful disposition that can brighten any day. Their sunny yellow color has been associated with blessings and prosperity, while their ... Read more

How Long Does Canary Molt Last?

One of the most frustrating events a canary owner will experience is when their pet begins to molt and won’t sing. It is important to note that if the moulting process is lasting longer than expected your pet should be taken to a veterinarian as this may indicate a ‘soft’ molt. The length of a canary’s molt depends on a number of factors. Canaries require a proper diet during the molting process. During this time, their feathers may look loose and disheveled, and males often stop singing. This is a natural response to the energy drain that comes with growing ... Read more

How Long Do Canaries Live?

Canaries can live a long life if they are taken care of properly. This includes a diet rich in seeds, fruits, and vegetables and avoiding harmful foods. They should also get annual checkups and healthcare from an avian vet. Canaries are granivores, but they need to supplement their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables for essential nutrients. They must also avoid predators and other threats to survive in the wild. They are easy to care for The health and comfort of the canary plays a vital role in its lifespan. It is essential to make sure that the canary is ... Read more

How Long Does It Take A Canary Egg To Hatch?

Canaries are easy to breed and make great starter birds for the first-time bird owner. However, breeding canaries requires ideal environmental conditions in order to mate and raise healthy offspring. To help ensure that the eggs hatch, it is important to monitor the birds’ behavior. A male and female canary may begin kissing each other or placing nesting materials in the cage divider when they are ready to breed. Incubation Period A canary egg requires favorable environmental conditions to develop into an embryo and hatch as a chick. Once it does, the baby birds need to be properly cared for. ... Read more

Can Canaries Eat Strawberries?

Canaries can eat strawberries but they must be offered in small and moderate quantities. This is because strawberries contain a natural fruit sugar called fructose that can upset a canary’s stomach. Other good berries for canaries include blueberries, cranberries and raspberries. They are all rich in vitamins and minerals. Blueberries Canaries can also enjoy strawberries, as well as bananas and other fruits. They can be a good source of vitamins and minerals. They are high in antioxidants, which help to protect cells from damage and prevent disease. Excess sugar can cause diabetes in canaries, and this is not good for ... Read more

How Do Canaries Recognize Their Owners?

Canaries require a lot of attention to stay healthy. They need to be fed daily and their cage cleaned regularly to remove seed hulls, bird droppings, and other debris that could attract pests. They also need to be comfortable in your presence, and this may take some time. It is important to avoid sudden movements and loud noises, as they can cause them stress. Canary birds are very intelligent Canaries are a smart bird that can recognize faces. They are also capable of distinguishing voices. They can be trained to come out of their cages and to land on perches ... Read more

Best Parrot Food For African Grey Parrots

African Grey parrots need a diet full of vegetables, seeds and pellets. This premium blend of natural ingredients* is designed to meet their unique nutritional needs. It promotes natural foraging behavior and enhances skin and feather health. All birds need calcium in their diet. It is recommended to feed your parrot with calcium-rich foods like kale, spinach and other greens, broccoli, dandelion greens, endive, figs and apricots. Vegetables Veggies provide a powerhouse of nutrients for the parrot. They are full of vitamins and minerals, including calcium. They also provide fiber for digestion and a healthy source of fat. Parrots need ... Read more

How Long Can African Grey Parrots Live?

African grey parrots live for a long time as pets, but their lifespan depends on many factors. Providing a good diet, exercise, socialization, and mental stimulation will help your bird live longer. Annual checkups by a qualified avian vet are also crucial to keep your bird healthy. These semi-annual visits can identify and address health, nutrition, and behavioral issues before they become more serious. Diet These smart birds live a long time in captivity, but only if they get the right diet and care. These animals need to be fed a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, organic pellets, seeds, nuts ... Read more

African Grey Lifespan Captivity?

African greys are long-lived birds and can live for a very long time. This makes them a great choice for people who want to have a pet that will be with them for a long period of time. Unlike dogs or cats, African greys need lots of interaction and socializing from their humans. It is also very important for them to be exercised and have access to enrichment items. Diet African greys require a balanced diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, and pellets. The nutrients found in these foods are vital for the bird’s health and longevity. A poor diet ... Read more

Can african Greys Eat Strawberries?

African greys must be fed a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, and greens to stay healthy. In addition, they should be offered new foods on a daily basis. It is important to note that commercial strawberry juice should be avoided because it contains many chemicals and pesticide residues. It is best to make strawberry juice at home without adding any sugar. Strawberries are a good source of potassium African greys are omnivorous parrots and will eat a wide range of foods. In the wild they will eat insects, plants, seeds, fruits and even meat. A basic diet should consist of ... Read more

Can African Greys Eat Grapes?

African grey parrots are intelligent birds that can mimic words and sounds. They are often highly vocal and can be a nuisance in the house. They can also be prone to feather picking and gnawing. A healthy diet for African greys should consist of pellets suited to their species and high-quality fresh fruit and vegetables. It is important to give them vegetables, as they contain less sugar than fruits. Grapes are a natural food African greys love to eat a variety of seeds, fruits and vegetables. However, they should avoid foods that are high in salt and sugar. This is ... Read more

Signs of a Happy African Grey Parrot

African greys are highly intelligent creatures and demand a lot of social contact, mental stimulation, and love. When your african grey is content and happy, they will display a variety of body language and vocalizations. For example, your parrot may sing, regurgitate, flap its wings, preen, and follow you around. Knowing what these signs mean will help you foster a healthy relationship with your african grey. Eyes Pinned African greys tend to be very perceptive of their surroundings. Observing their behavior and body language can give you clues as to whether they are happy and content. Eye pinning is a ... Read more

What is the Macaw’s Scientific Name?

Macaws are king-sized members of the parrot family. They are highly intelligent, mate for life and can live up to 60 years in the wild. In the wild, they eat a variety of fruits, seeds, nuts, leaves, flowers and sources of protein like snails and insects. They also visit river banks to lick clay soil, which is thought to neutralize the toxins they consume in their diet. Ara The scarlet macaw is the best-known of the parrots and can be seen in captivity all over the world. However in the wild they are a rare sight, with their populations declining ... Read more

What Does a Macaw Look Like?

Macaws, the giants of the parrot world, are recognizable by their brilliant plumage and bold personalities. Whether you’re an ultimate bird fan or are considering adopting one, knowing what makes up this beautiful species is essential. Macaws can talk and love to imitate sounds. They also practice words and vocabulary until they get them right. The Body Macaws need much more room than a cage can provide to play, explore and be physically and mentally healthy. A free-flight aviary is a must! Head bobbing and swaying is a sign of contentment, though it can also mean that your macaw wants ... Read more

How Long Can a Macaw Live?

Macaws usually pair up with a mate and stay together throughout their life. They reinforce their bond by preening each other’s feathers, sharing food and roosting in pairs. Proper care can significantly increase a macaw’s lifespan. This includes a healthy diet, proper cage size and plenty of time outside the cage. Lifespan in the Wild In the wild, these beautiful birds typically live 30 years. However, if they are well cared for in captivity, they can reach 60 years or more. These king-sized members of the parrot family are beautifully colored and adapted to life in Central and South American ... Read more

What Can Macaws Not Eat?

A diet high in sugar can cause atherosclerosis, a cardiovascular disease common in captive parrots. Therefore, pellets should represent 75-80% of your macaw’s diet, with vegetables and fruits completing it. Macaws enjoy eating fruits, vegetables and nuts that they can tear or crack with their powerful beaks. However, some foods are unsafe for them and can be toxic. Tomatoes Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants. They also contain lycopene, which offers protection against oxidative stress, cardiovascular disease and cancer. To protect your parrot’s stomach, it is important to only feed tomatoes that are ripe. Unripe tomatoes ... Read more

Can Macaws Be Pets?

Before you decide to buy a macaw, you need to know a few things. First, these birds live a long time. They need lots of space and interaction to be happy. They also need a lot of mental stimulation to prevent boredom and self-injury behaviors like feather plucking. A bored macaw can be a real challenge to live with. They’re expensive Macaws are beautiful birds that make stunning show pets. However, they’re complex animals that require a lot of attention. They’re also highly intelligent and often act aggressively when frustrated or threatened. They also have large beaks that can injure ... Read more

Can Macaws Eat Mushrooms?

While many parrot owners love feeding their birds table scraps, they should avoid certain foods that can be harmful to them. This includes garlic and onions, which can cause digestive problems in birds. Mushrooms should also be avoided, as some species contain toxins that can cause liver failure in parrots. They are a source of protein Mushrooms are a great source of protein for parrots. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals. However, it is important to know that some mushrooms are toxic for parrots. They can cause food poisoning and liver problems in birds if ingested. ... Read more

Can Lovebirds Eat Strawberries?

Lovebirds are popular pets due to their small size and playful personalities. However, it is important to know that they require a healthy diet and plenty of nutrients. Strawberries are a good source of Vitamin C and potassium. They also contain folic acid and iron. Vitamin C is great for reducing stress, while potassium helps in preventing excessive sodium levels. Vitamin C While it is important to feed your pet lovebirds a balanced diet, they can also benefit from the nutrients found in certain fruits. Vitamin C can help reduce stress, boost the immune system, and create antibodies! It can ... Read more

How Long Do Lovebirds Live in Captivity?

Lovebirds make great pet birds for beginners, but they do require a lot of attention. They need to be socialized and given plenty of playtime. Like all pets, they need to be given regular vet care. A veterinary specialist who specializes in exotic birds is important as these animals can harbor diseases that affect their health. Lifespan With proper care, a lovebird might make it to an age of up to 20 years. However, this is not guaranteed because of several factors that are beyond the bird owner’s control. Some of these include the quality of food, the environment, and ... Read more

Are Lovebirds Noisy?

Lovebirds are chatty birds with high-pitched voices. They make noise throughout the day, but are especially vocal at dawn and dusk. They can also be noisy if they are reunited with their mate after a long period of time, or if they feel lonely. They can also become noisy due to fear, overstimulation, or boredom. 1. They are bored Lovebirds can become very noisy if they are bored. They may chew or play with their toys to kill the boredom. However, this behavior can also be a sign of an illness and it is essential to take them to the ... Read more

How to Cut Lovebird Wings

Lovebirds fly to get away from things that scare them. This can lead to crash landings or falls of large heights which could result in injury to your pet. This is why it is a good idea to have your lovebird’s wings clipped by a veterinarian or experienced bird owner. However, it is possible to clip your lovebird’s wings at home with the right guidance. 1. Obtain a good pair of scissors You want to make sure your scissors are nice and sharp. A sharp pair will be more precise than one that’s dull. If you use the same pair ... Read more

Types of Lovebirds Chart

There are three main types of lovebirds. These include the Fischer’s, Nyasa and Rosy-Faced lovebirds. These birds are native to the dry areas of Southwest Africa. They can be found in woodlands, mountains and semi-desert regions. These birds typically feed on seeds, grains and nuts. They may also eat fruits, berries and herbs. Fischer’s Lovebird Like other species in their genus, Fischer’s lovebird is known to be monogamous and will not tolerate being separated from its mate. When a lovebird is deprived of its mate, it can develop obsessive-compulsive behavior that manifests as feather-plucking or foot-biting. These behaviors are usually ... Read more

When Do Baby Cockatiels Start Drinking Water?

Weaning cockatiels at the right time is vital for their health. It is best to start the weaning process when chicks are around 6 weeks old. During this time, gradually reduce hand-feeding sessions while slowly replacing them with solid foods like mashed fruits and vegetables, spray millet, and high-quality pellets. Feeding At about 5 to 6 weeks of age, cockatiels enter the weaning stage. This is a period of time when they move from being hand-fed to eating solid foods and drinking water on their own. Cockatiels must have access to fresh, clean water at all times. This can be ... Read more

Cockatiel Dying Symptoms

Cockatiels are notorious for hiding their illnesses and avoiding seeking help until it’s too late. This makes it hard for their owners to know when their bird is sick or dying. Ensure your cockatiel has access to fresh water and check them regularly for signs of dehydration. If they are moderately to severely dehydrated, seek veterinary assistance immediately. Loss of Appetite A loss of appetite is often one of the first signs that a cockatiel is dying. The birds may seem listless and squint when they sit in their cage, displaying their lack of energy. They may also refuse to ... Read more

How Often Should I Bathe My Cockatiel

Cockatiels enjoy bathing as a way to clean themselves, much like they do in the wild. This helps them keep their skin and feathers healthy, especially since indoor air can be drier than outdoor. Many pet owners find it hard to get their cockatiels comfortable with water, but gradually offering baths will help them associate bath time as something positive. Feeding Providing your cockatiel with fresh water is essential to their well-being. Make sure they have a dish or water bottle that is cleaned and refilled regularly. Adding leafy greens like lettuce or bok choy to the dish can be ... Read more

Why My Cockatiel Won’t Stop Screaming

Cockatiels are natural vocalisers and will often screech from time to time. It is known as contact calling, and is an instinctual way of checking in with their flock members. However, if your cockatiel’s screech marathon becomes out of control, it can cause significant stress for you and your pet. It is important to avoid reacting by rushing over to give them attention as this will reinforce the noisy behavior. Causes Cockatiels who are bored, lonely or stressed may begin screaming. This can happen if their cage is too small and they cannot get enough exercise, if the owners are ... Read more

Why is My Cockatiel Screaming?

Cockatiels are used to living in flocks, and when they’re alone all day they can become frustrated. The best way to combat this is to ignore their calls and only go to their cage once they’ve quieted down. Also, make sure they’re receiving enough mental stimulation by playing with them or talking to them daily. Stress Cockatiels are very social creatures and will often squeal or cry when they feel agitated. They may be screaming because they want attention from their owners. However, they should be careful not to reward this behavior by interacting with them when they scream or ... Read more

Budgerigar Colors

Budgerigars, also known as common parakeets or shell parrots, are seed-eating pet birds with long tails that feed on seeds. Wild budgerigars typically feature green and yellow feathers with black scalloped markings on the nape, back, and wings; but skilled breeders have created nearly 30 color variations from wild varieties thanks to genetic mutations. Gene-adding factors that alter budgerigar colors fall into two broad categories. The dominant grey factor creates birds with a lovely wash of gray that turns blue-based birds more green-gray, while semi-dominant violet factor darkens feather colors of both groups into an eye-catching smokey purple effect – ... Read more

What to Feed Your Budgerigar – Budgerigar food

Diet is perhaps the single most crucial element to their health and wellbeing; feed them so they thrive not simply survive! An egg, brown rice, millet mixture complemented by crushed pellets and grated fruits and vegetables can provide essential nutrition for young birds, breeding birds or unwell birds. When giving this mix, place in a small bowl with any seed removed until your bird starts eating pellets and fresh food exclusively. Millet Small whole grain seeds that resemble grains offer hugely nutritious benefits in one cup serving: protein, fiber and iron – as well as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium! ... Read more

How long does a budgerigar live – Lifespan of a budgerigar

Budgerigars are the most popular bird in captivity worldwide, and they make great pets for a lot of reasons. They’re sociable, well-natured, easy to train, and can learn advanced vocal mimicry. They’re also small, inexpensive to care for, and can live a long time. However, like any pet, they require a lot of attention and care to ensure their happiness. It’s important to understand how long a budgerigar lives so you can take proactive steps to prolong their life. This article will answer the question of budgerigar lifespan and provide some tips on how to get your budgie to live ... Read more

What is a Budgerigar?

Budgies (pronounced buh-jer-uh-gar) feed on seeds, grains and nuts from local herbs and grasses. Their flexible tongues strip husks from seed pods and peel them back with ease. Furthermore, tussocks provide them an opportunity for vertical foraging on the ground surface.Budgerigars can fly in their natural environments, but captivity poses several dangers that necessitate restricting flight. Crashing into walls and doors as well as becoming susceptible to predation by rodents increase risks significantly; clipping their wings is therefore recommended as the safer alternative for these birds. Origin Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), commonly referred to as budgie, is an affectionate pet bird ... Read more

How Can Parakeets Live Alone When You’re Away From Home?

Parakeets inhabit large flocks in nature and do not like being alone for too long; they require constant stimulation and can become stressed from lack of companionship. Parakeet cages must be designed in such a way as to prevent escape. Installing a security camera would be ideal, or asking a trusted friend or family member to check up on your bird periodically is another effective solution. How long can a parakeet be left alone? As a pet owner, it is crucial that you spend ample time interacting with your parakeet to ensure their wellbeing. Unfortunately, life may force us away ... Read more

How to Train a Parakeet to Talk?

Teaching your parakeet to speak requires patience, repetition and consistency. For optimal results it is best to begin the training early and be sure that its practiced during meal times.Launch an awareness of what your bird needs with simple words like hello or goodbye, repeated frequently. Get close and speak in an audible voice; soon enough you will notice its pupils dilate as it listens attentively to you! Start Early If you want your parakeet to talk, it is crucial that training begins early. After you bring home your bird, take time each day to greet it in a friendly ... Read more