How Many Parakeets Can Be in One Cage?

How many parakeets can be in one cage

Parakeets (also called budgies) need a spacious cage that provides room to fly and exercise their wings. They also need a few perches and toys to play with. If you’re thinking of bringing in a new bird, it’s best to quarantine him for a few days to let him get used to his new home. This will help prevent him from being bullied by the established pair.

Cage Size

The size of your bird’s cage is one of the most important decisions you will make. You want a cage that is large enough for your parakeet to fly around in, but not so large that it becomes a hazard. In the wild, parakeets are agile maneuverers, and if they hit their wings against the bars of their cage, they can injure themselves. Plus, their feathers are vascularized, so any contact with the metal will cause them to bleed. For these reasons, we recommend a cage that is at least one wingpan deep by one and a half or two wingspans long.

Your cage should also have plenty of space for perches, food and water bowls, toys and cuttlebones. It should be made of a sturdy, bird-safe material such as stainless steel, and it should not have any exposed bars or a zinc finish, which could contaminate the water and food.

If you already have a parakeet, the best way to introduce another to it is to keep them separately in their own cages for four weeks. This will allow them to get used to each other and avoid any territorial disputes. You should then let them out together in neutral territory such as a playstand.

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In general, cockatoos and parakeets get along fine together, especially if both are females. However, a male and a female may fight in the mating season. There is some sexist nonsense that hens are noisier and more aggressive than males, but this is not true in all cases.

How Many Parakeets Can Be in One Cage (2)

Number of Birds

If you have an established pair of parakeets and want to add another one, it’s best to do so separately. It’s a good idea to let the two existing birds get used to each other before you introduce a new bird to the group, and it also helps to have a large enough cage for three parakeets in the first place.

The minimum cage size for a parakeet is 18″ L x 18″ W x 24″ H to allow the bird room to fly around and to avoid injuring itself on the cage bars. Parakeet feathers are vascularized, so if they hit a bar and break a feather shaft, it’s going to bleed. It’s also important to keep the cage away from any drafty windows and doors, as well as heat or air conditioning vents, as parakeets can be sensitive to changes in air temperature.

In addition to the minimum cage size, make sure you have plenty of toys and perches for the bird(s) to enjoy in their home. Then you’ll have the peace of mind that comes from knowing your pet is comfortable, safe and happy. If you have any questions about cage size or other issues relating to your pet, be sure to contact us at your local Fox Lake veterinary hospital. We’ll be glad to help!

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How Many Parakeets Can Be in One Cage (2)


Parakeets feed themselves in the wild by pecking through husks of seeds, grains, and other plant material. The best way to mimic their natural foraging instinct is to provide a variety of food shapes and sizes that will encourage them to play with and chew their food. Choose a seed, grain, and nut mix that contains fresh fruits and vegetables for added nutrition. Avoid rolled oats and other hulled grains like pearl barley, as these can be hard on your bird’s sensitive digestive system.

Ideally, you should allow your pet parakeet to get used to its new home and environment before introducing it to other birds. It can be stressful for a parakeet to be placed in an unfamiliar space with different lighting, noises, and activity in the house. Leave it alone for 24 hours before handling it to help it adjust and feel at ease in its new cage. During this time, you can place a small treat or spray of millet in the cage to help it feel at home.

Parakeets are social birds and live in flocks in the wild, so if you plan on keeping more than one, it is important to give them a period of quarantine (four weeks) to make sure they’re healthy before allowing them to interact with each other. During this time, keep them in separate rooms and only move them to the same cage when you’re confident they’ll get along.

How Many Parakeets Can Be in One Cage (2)


Veterinary schools, parrot books and rescue organizations all recommend keeping one bird per household. This is because birds are social creatures and enjoy interacting with their humans. However, if you intend to spend a lot of time at home and will play with your parrot regularly, it may be better for them to live alone in a spacious cage.

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If you plan to introduce a new bird into an existing parrot’s cage, make sure the original is quarantined and fully tame before doing so. Then you will need to give the two birds lots of attention, especially when they are in their cages. This will ensure that the new bird becomes accustomed to living with the other one.

The type of bird you have can also play a role in how well the two animals get along. For example, male parrots get along great, but females tend to bicker and fight over territory, leading to squawking beak duels that will disrupt everyone. So if you plan to add a second parrot, opt for a male.

Another thing to consider is how much time you will be able to dedicate to maintaining the bird’s cage. Ideally, you should clean it out daily and add fresh bedding once a week. You will also need to replace the water bottle regularly and put in fresh food.