Bird Care

Cockatiel and Parakeet Care

Cockatiels are affectionate birds that like interacting with their owners. They enjoy petting, although they are not fond of cuddling. However, if they feel uncomfortable being petted for too long, they might nip. Keeping cockatiels and parakeets together is possible, but you must monitor their interactions carefully. They should also be kept in separate cages. They are social birds Cockatiels are social birds that thrive on companionship and interaction. They also need a lot of space and exercise. If they are kept in small cages, they can become aggressive and may even fight or kill each other. These conflicts can ... Read more

How to Care For a Zebra Finch

Zebra finches are easy to care for and make wonderful pets. They are friendly by nature and adapt well to living close to humans. They can also be trained easily, if given the right training by the owner. These birds are a monogamous species that pair for life. Males have a distinctive chest barring and orange cheeks, unlike the females. Flight cage The flight cage is one of the most important tools for keeping your pet finch healthy and happy. Finches should be allowed out of their cages daily to fly around and get some exercise. This will also help ... Read more

Why lovebirds die suddenly? Causes of Suspicious Death in Lovebirds

Lovebirds make delightful pets and add a bright and cheerful touch to any home. But, like other pet birds, they can be prone to diseases and sudden death. Providing a safe and clean living environment, a healthy diet, and regular veterinary check-ups can help prevent illness and other health problems. However, many pet owners wonder why their beloved lovebirds die suddenly. Respiratory Distress Love birds are prone to several diseases and infections that can drastically cut short their lifespans. Among the most common causes of sudden death in lovebirds are respiratory distress, malnutrition, and diseases such as psittacine beak and ... Read more

Parakeet Care Guide

Budgies, or parakeets, are cheerful little birds that make great pets for anyone willing to take the time to care for them. They are relatively easy to tame, and with the right care can live for many years. Parakeets are easy to feed as long as they have access to high-quality bird pellets and seeds, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. This parakeet care guide will provide everything you need to know to keep your budgies healthy and happy. Feeding A parakeet’s diet is mainly seeds and fruit, which they consume both in their natural habitats and as pets. While ... Read more

Cockatiel Dying Symptoms

Cockatiels are notorious for hiding their illnesses and avoiding seeking help until it’s too late. This makes it hard for their owners to know when their bird is sick or dying. Ensure your cockatiel has access to fresh water and check them regularly for signs of dehydration. If they are moderately to severely dehydrated, seek veterinary assistance immediately. Loss of Appetite A loss of appetite is often one of the first signs that a cockatiel is dying. The birds may seem listless and squint when they sit in their cage, displaying their lack of energy. They may also refuse to ... Read more