Cockatiels enjoy bathing as a way to clean themselves, much like they do in the wild. This helps them keep their skin and feathers healthy, especially since indoor air can be drier than outdoor. Many pet owners find it hard to get their cockatiels comfortable with water, but gradually offering baths will help them associate bath time as something positive.


Providing your cockatiel with fresh water is essential to their well-being. Make sure they have a dish or water bottle that is cleaned and refilled regularly. Adding leafy greens like lettuce or bok choy to the dish can be a great way for your bird to bathe and also provide a natural source of hydration.

When bathing your cockatiel, make sure they are comfortable and don’t feel scared or stressed. This will help them become more accustomed to shower bathing and learn to enjoy it. Some cockatiels will be more hesitant than others and will take some time to warm up to the idea of showering. Try offering the same bathing method several times to see if they’ll become more comfortable with it over time.

Besides keeping your cockatiel clean, frequent bathing will reduce the amount of feather dust that is produced. Feather dust is caused by the disintegration of tiny powder down feathers that are close to your pet’s skin and it is important to keep this amount low.


Bathing is important for cockatiels to keep them clean. It also removes parasites and extra oils from their skin and feathers. Cockatiels in the wild regularly bathe with mud and dust, but you can also give them a shower.

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It’s best to use water that is warm but not hot. Avoid shampoos, as they contain chemicals that are harmful to birds. It’s also a good idea to provide them with plenty of sun, which helps them absorb vitamin D.

A spray bottle is a great way to wash cockatiels. However, some birds prefer to bathe in a shallow dish of water. You can even set a dish outside the cage for them to soak in. It’s important to make sure that the dish is deep enough so they can get a thorough wash. After the bath, you might notice your cockatiel shivering. This is a natural behavior and is a sign that they’re drying off.


Providing your cockatiel with a dish of water in which they can bathe is the easiest way to keep them clean. They will often splash around and preen their feathers as they do this. Alternatively, you could place the bird in an indoor birdbath or spray them with a mister bottle to get them used to having water on their body.

Try giving them baths several times a week to see which method they prefer. Some cockatiels will become very accustom to having water on their bodies and may enjoy bathing in the shower or the sink more than any other method.

Once they are comfortable with having water on their bodies, train them to perch on your finger and let you wash them. Young birds are more receptive to training and can learn new behaviors very quickly. If they are reluctant, try hiding the treat before presenting your hand and then revealing it when they step up to it.

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Cockatiels are smart animals and need a lot of interaction. They can become stressed and anxious if they are left alone in their cage for too long. If you are unable to spend time with your cockatiel each day, they may start biting or nipping. You should also take care to clean their cage weekly and give them a few hours of supervised time outside their cage daily.

You can start bathing your cockatiel when they are between 4 and 8 weeks old. You should offer them a dish of water to bathe in, and then move on to spray bathing and finally showers. You can try each bathing method to see which your cockatiel prefers.

It is important to bathe your cockatiel regularly because they produce a large amount of powder called feather dust that builds up over their bodies. Dust prevents feathers from being able to breathe, and bathing removes it. You should also mist your cockatiel with a spray bottle twice a week to help keep them clean. After a bath, your cockatiel will spend several minutes preening and fluffing their feathers. They may even begin shivering, which is normal.